Health and Wellness Support
Academics are one part of the college equation but your health and wellness is just as important. Cascadia has a variety of programs and services to support your well-being.

This is a multi-disciplinary group that meets regulary to assess, evaluate, and respond to reports from concerned individuals about the well-being of an enrolled student.
Learn MoreCounseling Center

Kodiak Cave
The Kodiak Cave is our on-campus food resource center. We are open to Cascadia students and always keep food items well stocked.
Learn MoreHealth & Wellness Resource Center

Violence Prevention & Advocacy
The Violence Prevention & Advocacy Program leads the efforts of UW Bothell and Cascadia College to create a community that is free of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment, and other related experiences.
Learn MoreHousing Insecurity
Message from Vice President for Student Success Services
At Cascadia College, we are aware of the growing need for resources to assist students facing housing or food insecurity. As such, we have a gathered a collection of outside resource to refer students to when they are facing such issues. Below you will find a listing of some broad bases resources to assist those facing housing insecurity:
Washington Information Network 2-1-1 Online Resources: Online directory with an extensive list of Washington State resources for those in need. The services listed include basic needs (food, housing, utilities, etc.), criminal justice and legal services, education, healthcare, income support and employment, and mental health and substance abuse services.
Hopelink: Service centers are located in Bellevue, Kirkland/Northshore, Redmond, Shoreline, and Sno-Valley. Programs help with food, housing, family development, adult education, transportation, energy assistance, and emergency financial assistance. 425-869-6000
Housing Hope: Offers a full range of housing solutions for those experiencing homelessness or with low incomes. Includes emergency shelter.
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services: State services for food, monetary, housing and medical. Also provide resources for youth services and mental health and addiction treatment.
Bothell Chamber of Commerce Resource Guide: An extensive list of resources for housing, medical, food, legal and other services in the Bothell area.
For more in depth resources, including medical legal and employment check out the Student Resource Guide.
Benefits Hub Emergency Grant
Students who encounter emergency financial circumstances that jeopardize their ability to be successful or stay enrolled at Cascadia can apply for emergency funding assistance through the Benefits Hub Emergency Grant.
Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness (SSEH) Grant
The Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness (SSEH) Grant is available to Cascadia students who are experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity. The grant features numerous support which can include but are not limited to: funds for eviction prevention ($1,000.00 a quarter), utility assistance, emergency hotel support (short-term stay), and locker storage.