Honors & Leadership Awards | Cascadia College

Honors & Leadership Awards

Every year hundreds of Cascadia students achieve academic and leadership excellence. Keep scrolling to learn more about their stories and accomplishments.


Honors & Leadership Awards

2024 Winners

Portrait of Naomi Short

Naomi Short - Founders Service Award

An excerpt from Naomi’s nomination: "Naomi Short has run the Sustainability Club as president for two years now, and has pushed to reach more students through engagement, events, and in Spring 2024, art. Naomi hosted numerous events in partnership with the club and the Diversity Center, and the Sustainable Practices office. She gave her free time to assist with the high school student justice conferences, and was proud to don the Kody the Kodiak mantle and engage with participants! Naomi’s work weaving through classes focuses on food sustainability and reducing waste, and ran food use/waste reduction workshops, which supported the missions and outreach of the Kodiak Cave and Health and Wellness Resource Center."
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Emerson Pendleton - Founders Community Award

An excerpt from Emerson’s nomination: "Emerson is a fantastic student. Emerson naturally emerged as a solid and dependable team leader and mentor to other students, translating his experience with AmeriCorps into our COLL 101 discussions and projects. In addition, Emerson single-handedly reinstated the very popular Dungeons and Dragons club at Cascadia."
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Lyric Pierce - Founders Community Award

An excerpt from Lyric’s nomination: "I am nominating Lyric because of their amazing work ethic and dedication to the mission and services of the ARC (Activities & Recreation Center). They are such a bright light and have continued to grow and develop as a leader in this space. Lyric is continually finding ways to keep themselves challenged while providing exemplary customer service and support as a Student Assistant. We are so grateful for everything they continue to do for the ARC team."
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Portrait of Cory Cramer

Cory Cramer - Founders Environmental Stewardship Award

An excerpt from Cory’s nomination: "Cory Cramer is a dedicated student for environmental stewardship and sustainability. He has given his time multiple times for various events and activities on campus – volunteering on the Green Infrastructure Summit that was hosted by Cascadia, assisting with the two free thrifting events, and working with the Sustainable Practices office, tracking campus data, looking into our STARS report (national sustainability tracking for higher ed), and pushing for more environmental actions on campus through his classes. It’s an honor to have someone, who is a non-traditional student, find ways to help and assist his time on campus towards the goals of environmental sustainability in addition to his other life demands."
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Portrait of Morgan McShea

Morgan McShea - Founders Environmental Stewardship Award

An excerpt from Morgan’s nominations: "Morgan embodies what it means to be an environmental steward and activist while at the same time maintaining a spirit of scholarship, collaboration, and fun. Morgan has been a leader in the BASSP program and has organized a number of different events and activities associated with environmental sustainability. She also created the Cascadia Bike Club which has held several group rides for cyclists of all levels of ability. She is an incredible asset to our campus community and deserves to be recognized for her contributions, her spirit, and her abiding commitment to making the world a better place. She is considerate of others, stands up for her principles, and is someone I see making positive change in the future."
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Portrait of Lily Bennett

Lily Bennett - Academic Commitment Award

An excerpt from Lily’s nominations: "Lily was a first-time embedded tutor in my ENG 101 class this past quarter. She went above and beyond to make herself available and to provide original class content to assist students. She proactively reached out to me and to the students on a regular basis. She began the quarter with no experience as an embedded tutor and behaved in all respects like a seasoned professional. Lily accomplished all of this while continuing her own academic work. An absolutely outstanding job and a true example of student excellence and leadership."
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Portrait of Peter Days

Peter Days - Academic Commitment Award

An excerpt from Peter’s nominations: "Peter’s quick ability to grasp and effectively communicate accounting concepts made it clear to me that he would bring both his intelligence and communication skills to the [accounting competition sponsored by Seattle University and the accounting firm Armanino]. Peter accepted the challenge, becoming an invaluable member of the team and representing Cascadia with dedication, demonstrated by a willingness to put in the time to prepare, practice and build the team. In preparation for the competition, Peter played a key leadership role by building cooperation, maintaining team focus, and ensuring efficient planning. He also contributed valuable ideas and empowered others to be confident in their contributions. Peter’s dedication and collaborative spirit helped creative a positive team spirit in a highly competitive environment that resulted in a strong presentation, making both the team and Cascadia College proud.
"Having worked closely with Peter during our preparations for the competition, I had the privilege of witnessing not only his intellectual strengths but also his support for his peers and strong communication skills. Peter was a joy to have in class, both for his commitment to his learning but also for the ways he worked with other students."
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Portrait of Fernando Valero Perlasca

Fernando Valero Perlasca - Academic Commitment Award

An excerpt from Fernando’s nominations: "I am honored to nominate Throughout their academic journey, Fernando has consistently demonstrated an unparalleled dedication to their studies. From the beginning, Fernando has exhibited a relentless pursuit of academic excellence. Their passion for learning is evident in every aspect of their academic endeavors. In our conversations I can tell, they engage in classroom discussions, tackle challenging assignments or seek out additional resources to deepen their understanding of course material, Fernando consistently goes above and beyond what is expected. They approach every task with a level of professionalism and diligence that is truly commendable. Fernando takes ownership of their education and serves as a shining example of what can be achieved through hard work, determination and a genuine love of learning."
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Portrait of Miyuki Sandoval

Miyuki Sandoval - Brett Webster Award for Exemplary Leadership

An excerpt from Miyuki’s nomination: "Miyuki has had an incredible year as the EAB Advocacy Chair. She advocated for an academic common hour, went to Olympia to meet with legislators in support of community college students and stood up to UWB administration advocating for equitable campus parking rates for students. Being a student leader in EAB is more than just a job; it is shaped by the willingness of the student to take on challenges and advocate strongly with the administration. I have worked with literally hundreds of student leaders over my career and Miyuki is a true stand out. It can be intimidating talking with the college president, or sharing feedback that may not be in line with administrative decisions in campus wide committees. Miyuki understands the importance of the student voice and speaks up when it can make a difference. When she is not advocating for the student body she is supporting her teammates, making sure their events are successful and welcoming."
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Student Leadership Awards

The Academic Commitment Award is given to the student who goes beyond instructor and course expectations to enhance the classroom community and become a role model to peers.
The Brett Webster Award for Exemplary Leadership, created in recognition of Cascadia’s first student government president, is the highest level of recognition any student can receive. This award is presented to the student who has demonstrated a clear mission, goal, or vision for the future of Cascadia through their thoughts, actions, and contributions, and who has made a lasting difference in the continued development of Cascadia’s community.
The Founders Community Award recipient has dedicated their time and efforts to enhancing the culture and spirit of the Cascadia community. This individual exemplifies what it means to be a part of this community and encourages others to be involved in shaping our core identity.
The Founders Diversity Award encourages a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion within our campus community. The recipient of this award has made possible the expression of thoughts, ideas, voices, and experiences that foster an inclusive and welcoming environment for all.
The Founders Environmental Stewardship Award is given to the student who exemplifies Cascadia’s commitment to responsible environmental stewardship. This individual models active learning, thinking, interacting and communicating green practices, sustainability and environmental education, and encourages others to do the same.
The Founders Service Award recipient has dedicated their time and efforts to various student, campus and community programs. This individual exemplifies what it means to be a selfless contributor who works to ensure the successful completion of a number of events. The recipient also models best practices in committing their resources while maintaining academic success.

Cascadia Foundation Scholarship Recipients

The Foundation Board of Directors selects winners for all scholarship awards.

Quarterly Honors

Cascadia places a high value on scholarship and rewards high academic achievement to students who distinguish themselves in the classroom each quarter. Students will receive an emailed electronic recognition for their quarterly academic honors achievement.

Students who have earned a quarterly college level GPA of 3.9 or higher will be awarded President's Honors.
Students who have earned a quarterly college level GPA between 3.6 and 3.89 will be awarded Faculty Honors.

Graduation Honors

Students are awarded graduation honors based on the criteria below and recognized in the commencement ceremony program. For spring and summer graduates, the honors listed in the program are based upon their cumulative GPA as of the end of winter quarter because spring and summer grades are not yet available when graduation honors are determined. All students earning graduation honors will be given an honor cord to wear in the ceremony. Honors are posted on students’ transcripts at the same time their degrees or certificates are awarded and posted. Only Cascadia credits are used to calculate cumulative GPA for awarding graduation honors.

Graduating students who have earned a cumulative (overall) college level grade point average of 3.9 or higher will be awarded President's Honors.
Graduating students who have earned a cumulative (overall) college level grade point average between 3.6 and a 3.89 will be awarded Faculty Honors.