Student Clubs | Cascadia College

Student Clubs

Want to join or start a club? Then you’re in the right place! Clubs are opportunities to connect with other students, share interests, learn something new and have fun!


Student Clubs

Events Calendar

How to Join a Club

Cascadia clubs are open to all currently enrolled students. There are no requirements to join a club, so if you are interested in participating, the best way is to show up to one of their meetings or contact them directly to learn more. The Office of Student Life hosts a quarterly Involvement Fair, where you can meet representatives from each of the active clubs and find out more about the club's activities and events.

Active Clubs

After you check out our current active clubs, scroll down to view our list of previously active clubs. Find one you like? Contact us if you would like to reestablish the club by emailing Don’t see a club for you? Scroll down to learn how to start your own new club!

Analyze This! is a club focused on media/art, society/culture, and how they interact with each other. We’ll analyze and discuss our favorite stories/books, films/shows, artistic themes, genres, and more! This is an accepting space for all students who want to share their appreciation for creative expression and explore various artistic, societal, and thematic concepts.

Board Game Club logo

Interested in a space to hang out with friends and meet new people? Love playing board games? Come check out our club!

Cascadia Chess Club logo

Our Club is an opportunity to improve your chess skills and find people with the same interests. You are not required to know how to play to join the club. We'll teach you!

We are Satanists (of the Satanic Temple variety) that desire to talk about what Satanism means to us. We also wish to foster an educational and inviting space.

Cascadia Jesus Club logo

Jesus Club is an inclusive club based on biblical teachings about Jesus. Our main goal is to spread the love of Jesus.

Cascadia Music Club logo

We want to encourage people to grow in their musical ability, as well as give students the opportunity to continue playing music as college students. Even if you don't have much experience with music you're welcome to come to one of our meetings.

Photography Club logo

We want to deepen the exchange between students who love taking pictures. You can join with your camera or phone and are also welcome to be a model. We hope to see you there!

Sport Club logo

Cascadia Sports Club is for students who are interested in physical activities. We aim to encourage our members to develop healthy lifestyle and provide great environment to play variety of sports.

Costuming Club logo

Our club is a space for people with a passion for costuming, prop making and other effects work to gather. Whether you're a hobby veteran or are interested in dressing up as your favorite character, Costuming Club is here to gather, support and enable this wonderful community.

DnD Club logo

Hark, fellow adventurers! Join us as we journey through distant lands and slay foul beasts in Dungeons & Dragons. Our club is a casual, inclusive place to relax and have fun, and is open to players of all experience levels.

We are a group of students looking to fight the food insecurity issue in our local area. From raising awareness to volunteering in person, we take action in every way possible to give back to the community. Everyone is welcome, and we hope to see you there!
We help students develop intelligible skills in the financial world through classes and group discussions about the fundamentals of investment.
Japanese Club logo

The main purpose of our club is to allow Cascadia students to learn about the Japanese culture and to learn from other students who has similar interest in the community.

We provide opportunities for students who want to learn about and experience Korean culture (K-pop, K-drama, K-food, and issues about Korea).

Men's Muslim Club logo

The Men's Muslim Student Association is a club for anyone who wants to learn more about Islam and hang out with other Muslims on campus. The MSA also aims to depict Islam accurately with the variety of events we host. All questions are welcome!

Programmer's Club logo

The Programmers Club is a fun and friendly place where students of all levels can get together to enjoy coding. Whether you're just starting or already have a lot of experience, you are welcome to join. Our club is about learning together, working on cool projects, and making friends who also love coding. Join us to improve your skills, meet new people, and have a great time programming!

Club Forms

Starting a club at Cascadia is easier than ever! There are two different club levels with slightly different criteria and privileges. Clubs have the ability to choose their club level depending upon the extent of involvement and activities they would like to lead.

To apply for recognition as a new club, fill out the Club Application for Recognition form. New clubs are recognized every 2 weeks during the Club Council meeting. Clubs can begin to be recognized at the start of Fall quarter and throughout the academic year.

  1. Find three to five (3-5) currently enrolled Cascadia students who share your interest in starting the club. Level 1 Clubs must have a minimum of three (3) members to start, and Level 2 Clubs must have a minimum of five (5) club members. There is no maximum number of members for either club level.
  2. If you wish to be a Level 2 Club, find a Cascadia College employee who is willing to advise your club, travel with your club, and attend club meetings and events. Club Advisors are required for Level 2 Clubs, but are optional for Level 1 Clubs.
  3. Complete the Club Application for Recognition form.
  4. A representative from your club must attend the next scheduled Club Council meeting to present the proposed club to club members at Club Council. The Office of Student Life will email the club an invitation to attend the meeting. Club Council members will review your Club Application for Recognition form and will vote on the approval and recognition of your club.
  5. Within a week of recognition status, two club representatives from the newly recognized club must complete a new club orientation with the Student Life Advisor. After completing the new club orientation, the newly recognized club will have access to all club resources and support.

Club Council meetings are scheduled every other Friday from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM in-person.

In order to keep your club's recognition status, each club must fill out a Quarterly Update Form for every quarter they wish to stay active.

Clubs are required to submit their activities/events/meetings to Student Life through the Club Activities Report Form. This form must be submitted two weeks in advance for approval and processing. By submitting this form, clubs can request event spaces, meeting rooms, and info table locations

A variety of meeting and event supplies are available by request for clubs to either use or borrow. These supplies are first come first served, and clubs must fill out the Event Supply Request Form two weeks prior to date needed. We recommend that you check in with the Student Life Advisor or the EAB Clubs Coordinator to see our inventory of supplies that are available.

When requesting funding from the Club Council for an event or program, submit the Club Council Funding Request Form to the Office of Student Life. All funding requests must be consulted with Student Life prior to submission. After approval from Student Life, the form must be submitted via the Funding Request Form above.

For funding requests under $500, please submit this form by 5:00 PM the Wednesday prior to Friday's Club Council meeting. For larger funding requests, this form is due one week prior to the Club Council meeting.

Clubs are required to submit this Clubs Post-Event Evaluation Form within two weeks after the event. After completing this form, clubs are asked to report out on how their activity/event went at the next Club Council meeting.

The graphic designers on the Community Engagement Officers (CEOs) team are here to design posters, flyers, social media posts or club logos for you! Submit your request using the CEOs Graphic Design Request Form.

Looking to advertise your club's activities to Kody's Weekly and the TP Times? Submit a request through the Kody's Weekly & TP Times Request Form.

Club Handbook

An advisor can provide critical guidance, structure, accountability, and oversight for a Cascadia club. Many of our students who start and join clubs have big ideas and ambitions, but little experience navigating campus policies and processes, organizing teams and tasks, running meetings, and/or planning programs. The Student Life Advisor supports and oversees all of Cascadia’s clubs, but a faculty/staff advisor who is consistently dedicated to a single club can make a significant difference in the students’ individual learning as well as in the group’s ability to function, to grow, and to continue from quarter to quarter.

Who can be a Club Advisor?

Any Cascadia College employee can serve as a volunteer advisor to a student club with their supervisor’s approval. The Student Life Advisor will confirm the Club’s Advisor interest and availability.

What does it mean to be a Club Advisor?

An effective advisor means building relationships with student leaders and developing a style that matches the club’s needs. It is important to keep in mind the purpose of the club, the types of interests and identities that unite them, and how you can help them to both learn about themselves and educate the campus community through engagement with those interests and identities. Some groups will need more or less attention depending on the group and the time of year. Clarify with the club leaders the time and attention they need from you before you agree to be their advisor. Taking an active role in the club (attending meetings, events, meeting with officers, giving advice) does not mean that you are running the club. The daily operations of the club should remain the responsibility of the officers/club members, not the Club Advisor. The main objective of an advisor is to be available to guide and assist the officers or members in the mission and goals of the club.

What do Club Advisors do?

  • Maintain regular contact with the club
  • Attend weekly club meetings and/or schedule consistent check-ins with the club president to stay informed on club activities as agreed upon with the club.
  • Help the club maintain a contact list and transfer of contacts and club documents from one leader to the next.
  • Help the club meet its mission
  • Take an active role in facilitating the development of group goals.
  • Articulate the connection between club activities and student learning/skill development.
  • Facilitate creative thinking, teamwork, and follow-through among club leaders.
  • Provide guidance and ensure compliance with campus policies
  • Be familiar with the policies and procedures outlined in the Club Handbook.
  • Ensure the club sends a representative to Club Council meetings, turns in required paperwork on time, keeps the Student Life Advisor updated on meeting times and contact information.
  • Help them understand and utilize campus resources available to them.
  • Enforce and report violations of the Student Code of Conduct to the Student Life Advisor.
  • Refer club leaders to Student Life Advisor for room reservations, funding requests, purchasing, contracts, event planning, checking out supplies, etc.
  • Support large-scale and after-hours club programming as needed or find a replacement faculty/staff member. A Club Advisor must be present for the entire duration of the event.
  • Sign all paperwork seeking Club Advisor authorization of expenditures* (Note: Before submitting funding requests, the club must always discuss the funding plan with The Office of Student Life first)
  • If clubs are requesting funding over $500, a club advisor signature is required for the funding request form and must give official approval to support the club’s efforts (applicable to Level 2 clubs only).
  • Accompany club on any off-campus travel (conference, field trips, etc.) sponsored by the College
  • Communicate with Student Life Advisor pre-trip to keep in sync with all travel policies.
  • Drive the van.
  • Keep field trip forms and emergency contact forms on hand during travel.
  • Distribute per diem money to each student.
  • Manage check-in, room assignments, and stay at the hotel with the students.
  • Make sure they are attending the sponsored event and abiding by appropriate conduct.
  • Respond to any emergencies.
  • Any exceptions to the above list must be approved by the Student Life Advisor.
  • Empower students to lead
  • Good advisors always keep students in the driver’s seat (except in a college van).

Resignation of a Club Advisor

If a Club Advisor wishes to resign, they must notify their club and send an email to the Student Life Advisor stating their resignation and effective date.

All resigning Club Advisor must ensure all club materials are updated and given to the club.

Level 2 clubs must indicate a new advisor in order to maintain Level 2 club status. If the club is unable to find a Club Advisor, the club will automatically become a Level 1 club.

How to find a Club Advisor

The Student Life Advisor maintains a list of potential faculty and staff interested in serving as a Club Advisor. You are encouraged to consult with The Office of Student Life to find a Club Advisor who will be a good match. Clubs are more than welcome to reach out to familiar faculty or staff.

This section is still in progress. We'll have it ready soon. Thanks for your patience.

This section is still in progress. We'll have it ready soon. Thanks for your patience.

Cascadia Club Council has a budget allocated by the Student Activities Fee (S&A Fees) Committee, for clubs to use to host events, activities, and support club projects and initiatives. Clubs may request funding for their activities and events when funding requests are solely for the use and benefit of the Cascadia Students. The Club Council budget comes from the Services & Activities Fee and is subject to limitations based on permissible use of S&A Fees (Killian Outline) and policies set forth by The Office of Student Life.

Club Council funds may be used for event expenses such as food, facility rentals, A/V costs, or a performer/speaker’s fee. Club Council funds may also cover travel costs for field trips and conferences or purchases of specialized supplies/equipment related to your club’s activities. Questions regarding permissible use of Club Council funds should be directed to The Office of Student Life.

Items purchased with Club Funds belong to The Associated Students of Cascadia College (ASCC) and are meant solely for club use. Personal use of these items outside of club activities is not permitted. All club items purchased will be stored in The Office of Student Life and can be checked out for club meetings and activities. If a club’s recognition status is revoked, all club supplies must be returned to The Office of Student Life and will be added to the general supply inventory for use by the ASCC.

How to Request Funding

Step 1: Gather Information

What do you want to spend funding on? Research the items, quantity, prices, taxes, shipping costs, delivery fees, etc. from the company you wish to purchase from. Refer to the “Killian Outline” found on the Student Life Resources website if you have questions about whether you may use S&A fees to purchase your items.

  • Level 1 Clubs may request up to $500 per quarter.
  • Level 2 Clubs may request over $500 per quarter.
Step 2: Meet with The Office of Student Life

Clubs must consult with The Office of Student Life to clarify their plans for the activity/event and develop their proposed budget. Schedule an appointment with the Student Life Advisor or attend Club Drop-In Hours prior to the Club Council Funding Request deadline if you have questions regarding your Funding Request.

Step 3: Submit Club Council Funding Request Form

Submit the funding request form by the deadline indicated on the Funding Request Form. Keep in mind Club Council meetings take place every other week. The earlier the club submits the funding request form, the better the chances of having the form processed and added to the next Club Council meeting for approval. Funding requests submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.

Step 4: Present the Club Council Funding Request Form

After the funding request form has been approved and processed by The Office of Student Life, the club must send a currently enrolled Cascadia student to present their request at the next Club Council meeting for budget approval. The voting members of Club Council will ask questions about the necessity of the funds, then approve or deny the funding request with a simple majority vote.

Step 5: Coordinate Purchasing

After Club Council approves the request, the club is responsible for following up with The Office of Student Life to coordinate purchasing. Clubs can schedule an appointment with the Student Life Advisor or attend Club Drop-In Hours to coordinate purchasing. At this time, clubs can make online purchases or schedule a time to check-out the Student Life credit card to make in-person purchases.

Step 6: Club Post-Event Evaluation & Club Council Report

After the club’s activity/event/purchasing, the club must complete the Club Post-Event Evaluation Form within two weeks after the event and give a debrief report at the next Club Council meeting. This evaluation form allows The Office of Student Life to gain an understanding about how the activity/event went, the amount of money spent, and how the club can improve the event in the future. Failure to submit the Post Evaluation Form may limit the club’s ability to request funding in the future.

Spending Club Money

The club will coordinate in advance all necessary purchases with The Office of Student Life. Club funds must be spent on what was allocated on the Club Council Funding Request form.

There are three ways a club may make purchases:

  • Request temporary use of a Cascadia College credit card
  • Request a purchase order for goods/services from an approved vendor
  • Request a check to be paid to a specified vendor (requires at least two weeks advance notice)

The Club will not receive a check made out to an individual student, a personal reimbursement, or cash.

The Office of Student Life has a Cascadia College department credit card that can be checked out for club purchases. A Purchase Request Form must be submitted to reserve the credit card.

The credit card must be returned the same day it is checked out, along with an itemized receipt showing the items purchased. If a club misuses the credit card, makes purchases not approved by Club Council, or fails to return an itemized receipt, the club will lose access to the credit card and future club funding.

If costs are lower than estimated, the club may not spend the extra money on additional purchases not included in the original request. Any unused club funding allocations will be returned to Club Council. Club Council funding may not be used for fundraising purposes. Clubs cannot request funding to donate to an outside organization or request funding to implement an event which will raise money for an outside organization.

Refer to Food at Meetings and Events Policy handbook section for requesting funds for food purchases. Food purchased with Club Council funding must be served only to currently enrolled Cascadia students.


The Office of Student Life does not reimburse club members for items purchased with their own money. Clubs are encouraged to follow the purchasing process set forth by The Office of Student Life to make purchases on behalf of their club.

The Office of Student Life strongly discourages reimbursing personal funds spent by an advisor or a student employee for club/program expenditures. To process a reimbursement the items must be pre-approved by both the Club Council and Office of Student Life, and the purchaser must be a current Cascadia College employee; non-student employees cannot be reimbursed. The purchaser may have to wait longer for the reimbursement than they expected, due to processing time by the Finance Office. The preferred method of payment for the college is to use a purchase order with a vendor or use the college credit card to make purchases. If a student or advisor makes an approved reimbursable expenditure, they must provide original receipts in order to be reimbursed.

Role of Club Officers

Defining specific leadership roles and structure within your club is not required, but it can be very helpful for effective operation and decision-making. Club officers must be currently enrolled Cascadia students to hold a leadership role. All club officers must maintain good communication with the Office of Student Life and keep them updated on club activities.

Below is a sample of how you might structure the club officer roles.


  • Has overall responsibility for the operation and vision of the club.
  • Schedules, prepares agendas, and facilitates club meetings.
  • Coordinates event and program planning.
  • Completes budget requests and other necessary paperwork.
  • Must complete Club Orientation with Student Life Advisor.
  • Delegates tasks to other officers and club members.
  • Communicates and/or meets regularly with the Club Advisor.
  • Ensure Quarterly Update Forms are completed by the 10th class day of each quarter.
  • Ensure the club has a representative attend Club Council meetings.

Vice President

  • Assists the President with club duties, examples include event planning, marketing, facilitating club meetings.
  • Perform the duties of President in their absence or as needed.
  • Must complete Club Orientation with Student Life Advisor.
  • Oversees outreach and recruitment of new members.
  • Represents the club at Involvement Fairs and schedules regular tabling days on campus.
  • Keeps an up-to-date membership roster and contact list.

Club Representative

  • Represent the club at Club Council meetings
  • Attend all Club Council meetings, or designate another officer as proxy if unable to attend.
  • Report on past club meetings and any upcoming activities the club is planning.
  • Speak and vote on behalf of the club on questions and decisions put before the Club Council.
  • Report on information shared at Club Council back to club officers and members.
  • Be familiar with the resources available to the club for publicity and events and the processes for utilizing them.
  • Assist the Vice President with promoting the club at Involvement Fairs and tabling events.

Other Positions to Consider

  • Event Coordinator – Expert on knowing how to plan events at Cascadia and the policies associated with event planning.
  • Publicist – Responsible for posting on all social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Discord), keeps audience/followers informed on upcoming meetings/events, creates graphics and content.
  • Secretary - Responsible for all official club correspondence, keep minutes of meetings and record decisions made by the club.

Leadership Transitions

Transitioning from one student leader to another can be a difficult process, but there are ways to make it easier. By planning ahead and setting aside training/transition periods for the outgoing and incoming leaders this will ensure a successful leadership transition. Clubs are encouraged to create and maintain a leadership transition document or digital resource guide that includes the following information:

  • Club Advisor Name and Contact Info (if applicable).
  • Logins and passwords for any accounts affiliated with the club such as Instagram, Facebook, Gmail, Discord, etc.
    • If you prefer to send The Office of Student Life the logins and passwords, we can share it with the new incoming leadership.
  • Consider creating a Google Drive with the following:
    • List of past events and event planning timelines.
    • Previous club flyers (preferably editable versions).
    • Past funding request forms approved by Club Council.
    • Photos from past events (to see what past events/set-ups looked like, future marketing, etc.)
    • Any other historical documents.
  • Editable versions of the following:
    • Club description.
    • Learning outcomes/goals/missions.
    • Leadership list.
    • Members list.
    • Alumni list – Would you like to involve alumni club members for future events? (check with alumni if they would like to be contacted by future club members).
    • Advice for future club leaders:
      • What I wish I had known and/or done differently.
      • Ideas I had that I did not get to implement.
      • Tips for future club members.
      • Participate in quarterly Involvement Fairs to recruit members.
      • Create a WhatsApp group or Discord Server for communication.

This section is still in progress. We'll have it ready soon. Thanks for your patience.

Food at Meetings

Meetings are defined as regularly scheduled gatherings of recognized club members.

  • Requests for funding to cover the costs of food at a club meeting may be made for ONE club meeting per quarter, typically for new member welcome and/or end of quarter celebrations.
  • Total costs for food funding requests are not to exceed $20 per person (includes any additional tax, tip & delivery fees).
  • Funding for food may not be requested for recurring club meetings.
  • A club may choose to use personal funds to pay for food at other club meetings, not to exceed $20 per member per quarter. Club members will not be reimbursed for food purchases.

Food at In Person Events

Events are defined as advertised, in person gatherings sponsored by a recognized club or organization that take place outside of regularly scheduled meeting times.

  • Requests for funding to cover the costs of food must show that food is integral to the event.
  • Total costs for food funding requests are not to exceed $20 per person (includes any additional tax, tip & delivery fees)
  • A club may not use personal funds to pay for the cost of food at an event.

Food at Virtual Events Hosted by Cascadia Student Organizations

Virtual events are defined as advertised events that are hosted on a virtual platform and are virtually attended or sponsored by Cascadia student clubs or organizations.

  • Food may not be purchased for virtual events unless it is integral to the event outcomes or necessary in order to participate in the event, e.g. online food making event.
  • If integral to the event, groups may not use food delivery services such as: Amazon Fresh, Instacart, Door Dash, Grub Hub, etc.
  • Total costs for food funding requests are not to exceed $20 per person (includes any additional tax, tip & delivery fees).
  • Food purchased for virtual events may be subject to the approval of The Office of Student Life staff

Food at Virtual Events Attended by Cascadia Student Organizations

Virtual events are defined as advertised events that are hosted on a virtual platform and are virtually attended by Cascadia Students. These events can be sponsored by Cascadia or an outside organization and may include conferences, tournaments and workshops.

  • Virtual event costs that can be requested include conference/event registration fees and conference/event required resources.
  • Funding for food as virtual event attendees may not be requested.

Cascadia students can participate in University of Washington Bothell (UWB) clubs, and correspondingly, UWB students can participate in Cascadia club activities. UWB students cannot participate in the Cascadia club in any type of leadership capacity. Club correspondence between the club and The Office of Student Life must come from a currently enrolled Cascadia student. All club forms must be submitted by currently enrolled Cascadia students.

Hosting an Event

Events and activities are some of the most impactful ways to engage with your peers and the Cascadia community. Clubs may host a variety of events and activities such as field trips, movie nights, workshops, guest speakers, etc. Do you already have an idea of something the club wants to host? Check in with the Student Life Advisor to help you brainstorm ideas, offer advice, and assistance. Clubs do not need to have any event planning experience in order to plan an event or activity. The Office of Student Life has an event planning checklist to help manage the planning workload and keep the club on track.

Showing a Movie

If the club wants to show a movie, they must work with The Office of Student Life to obtain a public performance license. A club may not advertise and show a movie on campus without contacting The Office of Student Life to ensure we are complying with copyright law.


Cascadia Club Council has a budget allocated by the Student Activities Fee (S&A Fees) Committee, for clubs to use to host events, activities, and support club projects and initiatives. Clubs may request funding for their activities and events when funding requests are solely for the use and benefit of the Cascadia Students. The Club Council budget comes from the Services & Activities Fee and is subject to limitations based on permissible use of S&A Fees (Killian Outline) and policies set forth by The Office of Student Life.

Club Council funds may be used for event expenses such as food, facility rentals, A/V costs, or a performer/speaker’s fee. Club Council funds may also cover travel costs for field trips and conferences or purchases of specialized supplies/equipment related to your club’s activities. Questions regarding permissible use of Club Council funds should be directed to The Office of Student Life.

Items purchased with Club Funds belong to The Associated Students of Cascadia College (ASCC) and are meant solely for club use. Personal use of these items outside of club activities is not permitted. All club items purchased will be stored in The Office of Student Life and can be checked out for club meetings and activities. If a club’s recognition status is revoked, all club supplies must be returned to The Office of Student Life and will be added to the general supply inventory for use by the ASCC. refer to the Club Funding handbook section for more information.

Meeting Rooms, Event Spaces & Information Table Reservations

Clubs have access to use Cascadia classrooms, conference rooms, ARC meeting rooms and event spaces, and information tables for official club activities. Meeting room reservations for weekly meetings are available to reserve on a quarterly basis and are free, while reservations for events and activities are reserved as needed and may have a cost associated depending on the location requested.

All club events and activities must be reported to The Office of Student Life. When planning an in-person or virtual activity or event, all activities and events must be submitted to The Office of Student Life for approval and processing, regardless of whether the activity is on or off-campus.

All club events, activities, room reservations, event spaces, and information table requests are made using the Club Activities Report Form.

Meeting & Event Supplies

A variety of meeting and event supplies are available upon request for clubs to use or borrow.

To review the supply inventory available for club use, contact the Student Life Advisor or the EAB Clubs Coordinator. Supplies are first come, first reserved.

To request event supplies from the Student Life inventory, fill out the Event Supply Request Form and email it to, two weeks prior to the date needed to reserve supplies.


There are many ways to advertise the club’s upcoming activities and events. For information on how to market your club and club events on campus, refer to the Marketing handbook section.

Social Media

Many clubs choose to maintain their own social media accounts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Discord, and others. It is important to remember that these social media accounts, while not maintained by the college, are still reflective of Cascadia College. Make sure to include your social media accounts on the Quarterly Update form. If the club no longer uses an account, please delete it completely. If a club is no longer recognized at Cascadia, the club must remove Cascadia’s name from all social media accounts.

The club may request to have their event/activity shared on the Student Life social media accounts by sending the image and details they would like shared to The CEOs can also reshare posts to the Student Life Instagram/Facebook stories by tagging @Cascadia_Kodiaks or sending us a direct message of the post. Instagram takeovers on our feed will not be available.

All clubs must adhere to the Cascadia College social media terms of use policy.

Community Engagement Officers (CEOs) Services

The Community Engagement Officers (CEOs) are student leaders who work for Student Life focusing on promoting the Kodiak spirit, and outreach and marketing for clubs and student programs. Access these services on the Student Life Resources page.  

Club Walls

The CEOs manage the club wall on campus, located in the Lower Level of CC1. The club wall includes information about club meeting times and location, and social media accounts. When clubs submit their meeting/activity/event to the Kody’s Weekly & TP Times Request Form, the CEOs will automatically include this information on the club wall. 


The Office of Student Life has a Canvas course for all students to view a list of active clubs and meeting/activity/event time and location. When clubs submit their meeting/activity/event to the Kody’s Weekly & TP Times Request Form, the CEOs will automatically include this information in the Student Life Canvas Course . 


Clubs may choose to create and post their own posters. Clubs who choose to post their own posters must adhere to the Cascadia College’s materials posting policy. Clubs may check out blue tape from The Office of Student Life to use when posting their posters/flyers. 

All posters must include the following information:

  • Event title, time, date, location.
  • Sponsoring club's name and email.
  • Event accommodation statement:
  • Cascadia College is committed to providing equal opportunity and reasonable accommodation in their services, programs, activities, education, and employment for individuals with disabilities. To request disability related accommodations, students should contact Student Accessibility Services at 425.352.8128, It is preferred that arrangements are made 10 days prior to the event.

Information Tables

Tabling in high-traffic locations on campus is a great way to publicize your club’s activities and meet interested students. Requests can be submitted 2 weeks in advance through the Club Activities Report Form. Available locations for these info tables include the Activities &Recreation Center (ARC) 1st Floor Lobby, CC1 Lower Level Lobby, CC2 (1st Floor, 2nd Floor, and 3rd Floor vistas), CC3 Lobby, and outdoor spaces such as on the CC3 patio and the library promenade.

General Tabling Guidelines
  • A representative of the club must always be present at the table.
  • The flow of traffic through the area may not be disturbed either by the table space itself or by the actions of those at the table space.
  • Table spaces must not block access to elevators, stairs, classrooms, offices or building exits.
  • Distribution of materials may not involve intimidation, harassment, or coercion of persons solicited nor any action that interferes with the free flow of traffic.
  • Tabling located in proximity to a classroom must not be disruptive to the learning environment.

Student Life Services for Clubs

Important club documents such as quarterly update forms, funding requests, and others can be found on the Student Life Resources page.

Cascadia Club Council has a budget allocated by the Student Activities Fee (S&A Fees) Committee, for clubs to use to host events, activities, and support club projects and initiatives. Clubs may request funding for their activities and events when funding requests are solely for the use and benefit of the Cascadia Students. The Club Council budget comes from the Services & Activities Fee and is subject to limitations based on permissible use of S&A Fees (Killian Outline) and policies set forth by The Office of Student Life

Club Council funds may be used for event expenses such as food, facility rentals, A/V costs, or a performer/speaker’s fee. Club Council funds may also cover travel costs for field trips and conferences or purchases of specialized supplies/equipment related to your club’s activities. Questions regarding permissible use of Club Council funds should be directed to The Office of Student Life.

Items purchased with Club Funds belong to The Associated Students of Cascadia College (ASCC) and are meant solely for club use. Personal use of these items outside of club activities is not permitted. All club items purchased will be stored in The Office of Student Life and can be checked out for club meetings and activities. If a club’s recognition status is revoked, all club supplies must be returned to The Office of Student Life and will be added to the general supply inventory for use by the ASCC.

Student Life Advisor

The Student Life Advisor is available to all Cascadia club leaders who need assistance and support coordinating club activities/events and general club operations, as well as students who are considering starting a club. The Student Life Advisor can assist with questions regarding policies, resources, planning events, funding requests, and with advice on general club management. The Student Life Advisor attends all Club Council Meetings and is available for drop-in advising in ARC-140 or by appointment.

The Clubs Coordinator for the Events & Advocacy Board (EAB) serves as the primary contact between EAB and student clubs. They can support clubs with general questions, brainstorming ideas for activities and events, building club awareness and involvement, and assisting clubs collaborating with EAB on large-scale events as appropriate..

Activities & Recreation Center (ARC)

The Office of Student Life is located in ARC-140. There are many supplies, meeting rooms, computers, workstations, and additional resources available for recognized clubs to use.

Involvement & Leadership Office (ILO)

Clubs may utilize the Involvement and Leadership Office (ILO) in the ARC (ARC-130). This space is available for official club business, and includes small meeting rooms, open worktables, meeting nooks, and a workroom with publicity-creation supplies like paint, butcher paper, button-maker, etc. Computers are also available in the ILO for clubs and can only be utilized for club-related work. Clubs do not have access to the workroom printers; however, clubs may email for copying and printing requests. Refer to the Available Resources table below for more information.

Club Storage

Clubs have access to store their club items in The Office of Student Life’s storage room. Each club is given one storage bin to store items purchased with Club Council funds. If a club would like access to their storage bin to use for club meetings/events, contact with the date and time the items are needed, and the items will be placed in the ILO for pick up.

Meeting & Event Supplies

A variety of meeting and event supplies are available upon request for clubs to use or borrow. The Office of Student Life can provide you access to the following items:

  • Pens, notepads, nametags, dry-erase markers
  • ingle use items such as: cups, plates, utensils, napkins, serving spoons
  • Food service supplies including: serving utensils, drink dispensers, coffee makers, bowls, coolers and serving platters
  • A spinning wheel, outdoor games, board games and card games such as Uno, Jenga, chess and more
  • Event supplies including decorations, balloons, extension cords tablecloths, event carts, pop-up tents, folding tables, and more

To review the supply inventory available for club use, contact the Student Life Advisor or the EAB Clubs Coordinator. Supplies are first come, first reserved.

To request event supplies from the Student Life inventory, fill out the Event Supply Request Form and email it to two weeks prior to the date needed to reserve supplies.


Canva is an online graphic design platform used to create visual content such as social media graphics, posters, presentations, etc. The Office of Student Life has a Canva pro account clubs may use to create their own marketing materials. To request access, clubs can email

Meeting Rooms, Event Spaces & Information Table Reservations

Clubs have access to use Cascadia classrooms, conference rooms, ARC meeting rooms and event spaces, and information tables for official club activities. Meeting room reservations for weekly meetings are available to reserve on a quarterly basis and are free, while reservations for events and activities are reserved as needed and may have a cost associated depending on the location requested.

All club events and activities must be reported to The Office of Student Life. When planning an in-person or virtual activity or event, all activities and events must be submitted to The Office of Student Life for approval and processing, regardless of whether the activity is on or off-campus.

All club events, activities, room reservations, event spaces, and information table requests are made using the Club Activities Report Form

Club Access to Resources

Below is a list of resources clubs have access to, including services provided by the Community Engagement Officers (CEOs). For more information about each service, please reference the Marketing handbook section. The links to the forms listed below can be found on the Student Life Resources website.

Level 1 and 2 Club Available Resources
Club Service Process Due Date Contact Forms
Club Storage Email The Office of Student Life with the date and time the items are needed 1 business day minimum Email
Copying & Printing Requests Email the CEOs with size, quantity, and attach the flyer/poster as a JPG or PNG file 4 business days prior to date needed  Email
Funding Request Submit Club Council Funding Request Form (Funding needs to be approved by Club Council before purchases can be made. Club Council meets every two weeks.) 3 weeks prior to date needed Club Council Funding Request Form
Graphic Design Submit CEOs Graphic Design Request Form 3 weeks prior to date needed CEOs Graphic Design Request Form
Information Table Submit Club Activities Report Form 2 weeks prior to date needed Club Activities Report Form
Kody's Weekly Submit Kody's Weekly & TP Times Request Form Wednesday by 5:00 pm Kody's Weekly & TP Times Request Form
Meeting & Event Supplies Submit Event Supply Request Form (Submit this form to request items that can be checked out from Student Life.) 2 weeks prior to date needed Download and fill out the Event Supply Request Form and email the form to
Room Reservations, including recurring meeting Submit Club Activities Report Form 2 weeks prior to date needed Club Activities Report Form
Sandwich Boards (A-Frames) Email the CEOs with quantity and attach the poster as a JPG or PNG file (Poster design for the sandwich board can be requested through the CEOs Graphic Design Request Form.) 3 weeks prior to date needed Email with club’s original design Or Request a CEO design using the CEOs Graphic Design Request Form
TP Times Submit Kody's Weekly & TP Times Request Form (The TP Times operates on a biweekly schedule (every two weeks), the earlier you submit your event, the better your chances of having your event included. Submissions must be received at minimum 2 weeks prior to the posting date. The published dates are the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month.) Wednesday by 5:00 PM, 2 weeks prior to Friday posting date Kody's Weekly & TP Times Request Form
Additional Level 2 Club Available Services 
Travel* Submit: · Club Council Funding Request Form · Travel Approval Form · Liability Waiver · Van Request Form (Funding needs to be approved by Club Council.) 1 month before the scheduled trip Work with the Student Life Advisor for these forms and then email your forms to

* Club Travel is currently limited, check with The Office of Student Life for more information.

Previously Active Clubs

Interested in reestablishing a previously active club? We would love for you to claim the club and become the new club leader. Contact us at to learn more about how to reestablish the club or submit a Club Application for Recognition form!

  • Amnesty Club
  • Bicycle Club
  • Chinese Communication Club
  • Kodiak Engineering Club
  • Next Generation I.T. Club
  • Queer Talk Club
  • Snow Sports Club
  • Society for Young Professionals Club
  • Sustainability Club
  • Turkmen Club
  • Women’s Muslim Student Association