Cascadia by the Numbers | Cascadia College

Cascadia by the Numbers

Take a closer look at our student body, and see how Cascadia is unique from other community colleges. For starters, Cascadia has the youngest median age and the highest percentage of students who want to transfer to earn 4-year degrees.

Cascadia by the Numbers

Breakdown by Race / Ethnicity

Race / Ethnicity Percent of Headcount
White 43%
2 Or More 14%
Asian 19%
Hispanic 10%
Undisclosed 7%
Black / African American 3%
American Indian/Alaska Native < 1%
Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander < 1%

Other Student Facts

Student Percent of Headcount

Identify as LGBTQIA

This information is not collected by Washington state community and technical colleges.

Learning English as Another Language 17%
First generation in their family to attend college 23%
Received need-based financial aid 17%
Are parents 2%
Access Accessibility Services 7%

Cascadia Compared to Other State Community Colleges

Of the 34 colleges in the state, Cascadia has the highest percentage of:

  • Students who register with the intent to transfer (68% of students indicated their purpose for attending was to transfer to a university)
  • Students who transfer to a 4-year institution in WA
  • Students who transfer to the UW-Bothell
  • Our Business graduates earn $11,000 more per year than those from the other colleges (6 years after entering college). 
  • Our Information Technology graduates earn $18,000 more per year than those from the other colleges (6 years after entering college). 


Current data is based on 2023-24 academic year.
