Foundations of E&I - An Academic Course
This course is designed for anyone who wants to better understand the history and issues involved in Equity & Inclusion.

Foundations of E&I covers basic elements of E&I for the beginner and lays the groundwork/foundation for further learning. You might consider this to be an E&I 101 course. With that said, those more advanced in E&I will also benefit, as the work of E&I runs deep and there is always more information to be learned. This course responds to one of the most common requests among Cascadia employees, the request for a course to point people to in order to learn the basics of E&I.
"Foundations of Equity and Inclusion offers a deep dive into the many ways that people are othered and that systems have been created to deny access. It’s challenging and forces participants to look at their own privilege as well as impacts from inequitable systems. To be able to have honest conversations while exploring these topics with a diverse cohort builds capacity for honest learning and growth. It also sets the stage for the entire educational system to build on a shared knowledge and language to begin co-creating a more inclusive and welcoming community. I have been honored to be invited to participate and learn along with these dedicated education professionals."
- Jeni Craswell, President and CEO of Leadership Eastside
If you have any questions, please contact