Emergency Alerts | Cascadia College

Emergency Alerts

Sign up to receive emergency alerts. This is the best way to get the information you need for weather advisories and other events.


Emergency Alerts

Emergency Status

Cascadia College is operating as usual.

In the event of a weather closure or other crisis, this page will be updated with the most current information.

How to Sign Up for Alerts

This is where safety begins. Cascadia and UW Bothell use an alert system to keep you informed in the event of a campus closure, warning, or active crisis. You will not be automatically registered. You must sign up.

Get a UW NetID

If you already have one, proceed to step two. If you do not have a UW NetID you can create one. All Cascadia students and staff are eligible.

  • Get UW NetID
  • Click on “Don’t have a UWNetID yet/Get a personal NetID”
  • Select “I don’t have a UW NetID/I’m not sure”
  • Follow remaining directions

Log-in with UW NetID

  • Go to UW alert web page
  • Click on the red “sign up” button
  • Enter your UW NetID and password and you will be connected to the e2campus portal

Create Your Account

  • Fill in name, phone number, select carrier, enter email if desired and agree to terms
  • Select “Group: “UW Alert Bothell/Cascadia” (option 2) 
  • Click box to agree to terms
  • Do not close screen yet - the system will send a validation code to your phone and/or validation request to your email
  • Enter the phone validation code in box on screen and click “validate”
  • If you provided an email address, open email and click “validate” button. The email will be sent from e2Campus and may be forwarded to your Clutter inbox.To update phone or email information or to stop receiving alerts go to UW account management web page
  • Subscription is active for one years. Please renew annually.

Communication Platforms

In the event of an emergency or college closure, Cascadia will issue communications using the following platforms:

  • UW alert system
  • Cascadia Facebook
  • Cascadia Instagram
  • Cascadia Twitter
  • Cascadia email
  • Home page of Cascadia public website
  • Major TV and Radio new stations


  • Emergencies are considered any event that poses a safety risk to the campus community. For example, the most common uses of the alert will be to communicate when the college is closed due to power outages or inclement weather. Other types of emergencies may include unexpected occurrences such as earthquakes or any unexpected event that poses danger or puts your safety at risk.
  • No, never. We respect your privacy and you will never receive anything except for official UW Bothell/Cascadia emergency communications.
  • Neither Cascadia nor UW Bothell will charge you. However, you are responsible for paying any messaging charges that might be associated with your wireless carrier plan.

