Additional Tutoring Options
If your schedule requires more flexibility, you're looking for help in a subject you don't see listed, or want to participate in a guided study group...we've got you covered.

If you need a tutor when the Bock Learning Center is closed, give the tutors at the Western eTutoring Consortium (WeTC) a try! You can visit a WeTC tutor up to 10 times per quarter. Tutoring is available to all currently enrolled Cascadia students. Please limit your usage to 10 sessions per quarter to ensure that other students have the opportunity to benefit from this service. Log in to get started!
- Accounting
- Math (Developmental through Calculus)
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Microsoft Office
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Spanish
- Economics
- Statistics
- Engineering (Circuits and Digital Systems ONLY)
- Web Development (HTML, CSS, and Adobe Dreamweaver)
- Japanese
- Writing
Guided Study Sessions
What Are They?
Guided Study Sessions are organized study groups led by a trained facilitator. These study sessions target historically difficult courses (i.e., courses with high withdrawal and failure rates) rather than high-risk students. Study sessions are 60 minutes long and are held three times each week outside of regular class time. Attendance is voluntary. Sessions emphasize peer-to-peer collaboration and allow students to share notes, discuss course concepts, develop study skills, and prepare for exams.
Because GSS leaders attend all class sessions and consult the instructor often, they know which topics are covered in class.
Selection Process
To be considered for a GSS leader positions, prospective applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Enrolled in at least 6 credits at Cascadia College or the University of Washington for the quarter they will serve as GSS leader
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0 for all college coursework
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0 in GSS discipline coursework
- Completion of GSS course with a 3.0 or above. Applicants can apply while currently enrolled in their intended GSS course, but a job offer would be contingent upon their completion of the course with a 3.0 or better.
- The GSS leader selection process generally starts 4-8 week before the quarter begins. Prospective GSS leaders are often recommended by faculty, but any student who meets the minimum requirements may apply. Interested applicants should review the job description in its entirety. Required application materials are listed at the bottom of the job description.
- Questions should be directed to GSS Coordinator Sarah Tsai at
Training Requirements
New GSS leaders are required to complete an intensive training session. Those who do not complete this training are not eligible to work as GSS leaders.
Time Commitment: GSS leaders work 10-12 hours each week during the regular quarter:
- 4 hours/week attending the class
- 3 hours/week of study sessions
- 3 hours/week of session prep
- 0-2 hours/week meeting with the faculty member or GSS supervisor
- Hours may fall below 10 hours during exam weeks.
How to Apply
GSS Leader Job Description
GSS Leader Application
You will notice in the job description that a reference is required. We ask that recommendation writers address the following in their letter:
- The applicant’s academic potential. In your experience with the applicant, what is their knowledge and skill level in this area?
- The applicant’s ability to work with peers in the classroom. Do they collaborate well with others in a group setting? Do they demonstrate leadership potential?
Cascadia faculty can submit a formal letter or send an informal email to Sarah Tsai at Non-Cascadia faculty should submit a formal letter.