Leah Schubert | Cascadia College

Leah Schubert


College & Career Foundations (English Foundations); College Strategies

In my classes, I ask my students to interact with each other and also with people outside the class. In these interactions, students will be challenged to think more deeply and from other perspectives, they will learn actively by engaging in individual and group tasks, and they will communicate with others authentically in speaking and writing. In my teaching, Cascadia's four learning outcomes are not isolated but are strongly connected with each other.


  • University of Washington, Master of Arts for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (MATESL)


  • 2016 recipient of Cascadia College’s Teaching, Learning, and Service Award
  • 2019 co-presenter at the international TESOL convention in Atlanta, Georgia

Community & Professional Engagement

In the local community, I have been a volunteer in the Northshore School District through Bothell High School Music Boosters and PTSAs, especially in the area of family and community engagement.


Outdoor activities, such as canoeing, camping, hiking, gardening, and walking. You'll also find me playing pickleball a couple times a week. I love to experience delicious food and cuisines from around the world with new and old friends. Traveling is also one of my favorite activities, whether it's a short road trip or to a distant country. There is so much to learn and experience!
