Dianne Fruit | Cascadia College

Dianne Fruit


World Languages

I like to provide varied, active learning experiences for students in culturally relevant contexts. I support students while encouraging them to challenge themselves. I emphasize the history, arts, food, environment and current events of a society because they're integral to learning a language well.


  • Pacific Lutheran University, B.A. (English and Spanish)
  • Middlebury College (graduate work)
  • University of Washington, M.A. (Spanish and Latin American Literature)


  • Inspirational Teacher Award, University of Washington, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering (2014)
  • Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Service Award, Cascadia College (2010)

Service Learning Projects

My second-year Spanish students participate in a children's book project. They write, illustrate and publish their stories and then read them to classes of bilingual first-graders at Woodin Elementary School. We donate a complete set of books to the school.


  • Member of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)


I like to travel, read, hike, kayak, bike, ski and spend time with family and friends. I enjoy learning French and volunteering in the community.
