UW NetID | Cascadia College





A UW NetID (University of Washington Network Identification) is an account that you create to gain online access to certain University of Washington services, including:

  • Off-campus access to library resources designated "UW restricted"
  • The University of Washington Bothell wireless network, which is available on all floors of the library buildings (LB1, LB2, and LBA), the ARC and University of Washington Bothell buildings (UW1 and UW2).
  • The NuPark system which allows you to purchase online parking permits.
  • Access to the joint-campus emergency notification system.
    1. Start with Your Cascadia Network Account. You must have an active Cascadia Network Account to get a UW NetID.

Students-Your Cascadia Network Account is automatically created and sent to the email address you used for enrollment/registration.

Faculty and Staff-Your supervisor gives you your account information when you begin work at Cascadia. See instructions if you need to change or reset your password.

  1. Go to Create Your UW NetID
  2. Choose the Sign in to Cascadia College link.  This is an important step, please see screenshot below for location of link.  Selecting other links will result in an error/failure.
    • Screenshot of Create Your UW NetID with arrow pointing to Cascadia College link
      Create Your UW NetID page
  3. Choose Your NetID
  4. When you are creating your account, the system will suggest NetIDs that haven't already been taken. Over 60,000 UW NetIDs are already in use Once you choose a NetID user name, you cannot change it. If you transfer to the University of Washington, your NetID will become your email address.
  5. At the Cascadia login page, enter your Cascadia email address and password, then select "Sign In"
    • Screenshot of Cascadia's login page with focus on Sign In feature
      Cascadia login page
  6. Follow the onscreen instructions to create a UW NetID and password

Change Your UW NetID password if You Know Your Current Password

  1. Go to UW IT Connect
  2. Under the section for Reset or Change Your Password, select UW NetID Password Change
  3. Log in with your UW NetID and your current password
  4. Enter your current password and new password where prompted and select "Set Password"

Reset Your UW NetID Password if You've Forgotten it

Note: You must know your UW NetID

  1. Go to UW IT Connect.
  2. Under the section for Reset or Change Your Password, select on UW NetID Recovery. Step by step instructions are also on UW IT Connect.

Look up Your UW NetID if You've Forgotten it

  1. Go to Find Your UW NetID
  2. Choose the Sign in to Cascadia College link. This is an important step, please see screenshot below for location of link.  Selecting other links will result in an error/failure.
    • Screenshot of Find Your UW NetID page with arrow pointing at Cascadia College link
      Find Your UW NetID
  3. At the Cascadia login page, enter your Cascadia email address and password, then select "Sign In"
    • Screenshot of Cascadia's login page with focus on Sign In feature
      Cascadia login page
  4. Your UW NetID will be displayed

Contact the IT Service Desk

Go to UW IT Connect. Note: Some of the features discussed on this UW information page are not available to Cascadia students, faculty, and staff.
